Saturday, July 5, 2008

Well, that was fast

I hadn’t even put up the last post when I got an e-mail from urging me to check out the complete new look for the Official Site. Sure enough, the collecting stuff has been de-emphasized, and the site is back to giving you things to read and look at. In short, it no longer looks like an online catalog of Star War kitsch.

Now, I’d love to take credit for showing George the error of his ways, but since the new site went live before my last post even left my computer, I can only assume the collective non-traffic of my fellow fans to the existing website caused the change.

Of course, I’ve seen George fix websites that I thought were perfectly fine, so maybe this is just a case of him fixing something whether he thinks it is broken or not. You know how much he loves to tinker.

So what's the consensus? Does anybody like the new site?


Thora said...

I don't really have much of a thought on Star Wars (although I do think you have an on switch somewhere. All fans of anything tend to be like Igor "It must be mine!" of Dork Tower. Regardless, you somehow neglected to list your blog address on the invite you sent out. I found you using my intrepid internet stalking skills, but you should probably send out a second note mentioning your address. I'm excited you have a blog; it's fun to read what people that I know think about.

bnfoldschool said...

I think George deliberately upgraded the site to lure in people that are beginning to check things out, due to the upcoming release. Sad, mercenary, but it gets my vote as to motive. Bait the hook, set and then reel 'em in. Of course, I'm kind of jaded by the multiple -copies- of- the- same -movie mentality he's expressed in the past, so I could be wrong.

But I doubt it. *g*

Veiltender said...

I couldn't tell you. My Internet connection comes through a 56k modem. So, I can't actually see the new website.

Of course, my gut reaction is to agree with your wife...

Inkling said...

Yeah, George is all about making bank. From what I've heard, Gene Roddenberry was the same way. None of these big producers are in entertainment for purely artistic and altruistic reasons. In Hollywood, it's all about the money, or they don't last long enough to do what they do.