Sunday, July 28, 2013

A matter of time

This will be an uncharacteristically brief post, and composed on my iPad at that. I have noticed that all of spring, and mot of summer have fallen away without me adding to this blog. And while I have a fair amount to discuss and report, I have little time at present.

My lack of attention can be partially blamed on two things: a lack of time, and a lack of conviction. The time problem is self-explanatory — none of us have enough of it, and if we do, that is likely a problem in and of itself. Nevertheless, "not having enough time" is something of a poor excuse; it is more accurate to say that my attention has been elsewhere, and beg your forgiveness.

The lack of conviction is more complex. I have long felt that the world did not need me to say something on the various social media sites I belong to unless I have something substantial, or at the very least, entertaining to say. There is also a reluctance to reveal too much of myself; I will not discuss anything work-related, since I think it's unprofessional to do so, and I will not turn this into an online diary about my personal life.

That leaves mundane details about my life, random thoughts, and similar shorter fair. And for the first time, I think this might be a good thing to start including. After all, long pieces are fine, but are not always desired — often, we lack the time to read them. And often, we can learn as much, if not more, about someone by observing the little things over time, rather than trying to digest quarterly speeches.

So we have come full circle. I lack the time to write the longer pieces, and if I were a reader, I would lack the time to read them. So with the words of the immortal Bard, who wrote "brevity is the soul of wit," I shall close.

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