Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Forgive and forget

Well, the madness that was today has subsided, and, as predicted, my frustration has gone with it. Yes, the announcement was about the Blu-ray releases. Yes, it was both overblown, and poorly handled. And while what George has in mind isn't what I'd call a dream release, it looks like it will do nicely.

Does it have the original versions along with the Special Editions? Probably not. (And for the record, I'd like both, please — I think each has their place). Nor will it have From Star Wars to Jedi, which was a dandy little "making of" that was released back in the old VHS days, and to my knowledge, never made it to digital. There seems to be a fair amount of special features, but I won't speculate as to their quality yet. Some of the scenes are promised at Comic-Con in July; the 1976 Comic-Con was the first public promotion of Star Wars, and George is apparently still very grateful for that first public exposure. We'll just have to wait until then to see of what quality it is.

What surprises me is my reaction — despite my annoyance earlier today, I'm actually excited. I've been taking an extended sabbatical from Star Wars, and after nosing around the Official Site today, the old juices are starting to flow once more. In fact, I plan on popping at least one of the films in as soon as I get some time — it's simply been too long.

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